AireCon provides plenty of space and opportunity to play games with others. This page details all the ways you can find others to game with as well as how to use the games library.



Sponsored by Farplace the Game

We welcome groups of all sizes as well as catering for individuals with our Lightsabers. If you see one of these at a table, there's a game that needs more players! The Lightsabers are available to borrow from the AireShoppe.

If you're looking for others to game with head over to our Gameseekers area near the library in Hall B where you can arrange or find a game.

Game Guru - Game Gurus in the Gameseekers area, sponsored by Farplace the Game, in Hall B will be on hand to help you find others to game with from 10am-6pm Fri-Sun. You’ll be able to try Farplace the Game at every odd hour 11am-5pm, as well as some other games at other times, see the events page here for more details.
G.A.M.E System
- this online system will help you find a game, it can be found here:
Light Sabers - means a game looking for more players
Stickers - means a gamer looking for a game, wear one if you’d like to be invited to join games

You might also consider attending one of our events, as they're a great way to meet new people.


We have partnered with Travelling Man to bring you a huge library of over 1000 games that you can borrow from for free throughout the event. Just verify your mobile number on the G.A.M.E System. Last checkout is 3pm on Sunday, and all games must be returned to the library 4pm on Sunday.

You can even borrow games to play overnight on Friday and Saturday.

There’s a full list of games available on the G.A.M.E System and new games are being added all the time.



Sponsored by Imagination Gaming

We have the Family Zone run by Imagination Gaming, that promises lots of great games for children of all ages, including giant versions of games. Tickets for under 18s are are free!

They’ll also be running school events on the Friday of AireCon. If your child goes to a school nearby and you’d be interested in their class attending, please get in touch with Nigel for details: